Jimin has always been interested in things from the past. She thinks it started when either she saw Indiana Jones for the first time or when her older sister Jinah took her on museum trips during their summers together in Bundang-gu. There was always something facinating about learning about past worlds and the people that lived in them. Jimin was usually found the rest of the time with her nose in some book reading about the things that facinated her or with her music. That only spurred on her desire to study more. She's always been like a sponge for knowledge taking in as much as she can. She's always figured the more you know about the past the better you can prepare for the future.
Before coming to Yonsei, Jimin spent some time in China reading and studying for her freshman year. In China, she studied languages and even took some music classes. She transferred to Yonsei the next fall as a history major. She rushed Kappa Delta her sophomore year thanks to some of the girls luring her in with sweets and their friendly faces. It wasn't all that difficult to convince her to join, though.
Jimin is an outgoing, optimistic, ball of energy. She's eccentric and easily entertained. She loves to learn new things, and is genuinely friendly to all. She does have a little bit of a short fuse when it comes to her height, but for the most part she's all talk. (Don't push her too far though.) She's protective of those she loves, and she's loyal to them as well. She'll probably give someone a hard time if she's requested to do something that she isn't interested in at the moment, but she's pretty easily to convince.
In her free time she loves to read, be with friends, play her guitar she's named Banana, and write poetry.

Birthdate: 8 January, 1995
Sorority: Kappa Delta
Gender: Female
Major: History
Year: Junior
R/S Status: Single
Hometown: Bundang-gu, South Korea
Height: 161cm (5'2)
Likes: Documentaries, reading, musuems, food, cute animals, music, poetry, and the rain.
Dislikes: Cucumber, selfish people, and sports.